Things it might be helpful to know about this program:
- The Mental Health and Justice Short-Term Crisis Bed (STCB) program provides short-term (15-30 day) residential support to individuals who are experiencing mental health challenges, are in crisis and have become involved in the justice system.
- The purpose of the program is to provide a short break for clients who are in crisis to allow them to connect with the supports they need and to begin to stabilize their situation.
- To be eligible for the STCB an individual must be 16+, be experiencing a mental health and addiction issue, be involved in the justice system and be referred by a priority referral source.
- Eligibility for service will not be denied on the basis of language or disability. Supports will be arranged for as needed.
Once in service you can expect the following:
- Upon arrival you will be welcomed by a staff person who will explain how the STCB works and the expectations for everyone who is staying there. Staff will ask about your needs and goals for your time at the STCB.
- House rules and expectations regarding public health processes will be explained
- Staff will discuss with you how crises will be managed and help to create a safety/crisis plan.
- Staff will help you with referrals to other services, with discharge planning, housing referrals, and to access a case manager, if needed.
- You will have access to their own assigned room.
- You will have access to the laundry room, with staff accompaniment.
- Meals will be provided. You will be expected to clean up after yourself.
- Your status and progress will be documented.
- You have the right to determine how your significant others are involved in their care.
- You will be made aware of the agency’s complaint process and how to access it.
- You will be made aware of your right to privacy, how your personal health information is beingkept secure, and how and under what circumstances the agency will collect, use or disclose your personal health information.
If you would like the pdf version of this program description
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