Assisted Living

Things it might be helpful to know about this program:

  • Assisted Living provides free, on-site, personal care supports for seniors and adults with disabilities to help them to live safely in their homes for as long as possible. Services include things like help with bathing and other personal care needs, as well as light housekeeping and light meal preparation.
  • To be eligible for service clients must:
  • Be 55+ and need support with bathing, or if under 55, have a significant level of physical or mental frailty.
  • Have a demonstrated need for the service, as determined by an eligibility assessment. Hours of service are determined by the assessment. Clients who want more hours can purchase Respite Care hours if they wish.
  • Live with Reconnect’s Assisted Living service area.
  • Eligibility for service will not be denied on the basis of language or disability. Supports will be arranged for as needed.

Once in service you can expect the following:

  • You will participate in an initial assessment with Reconnect staff to determine which Assisted Living services are needed, and to be assessed for Case Management services as well.
  • Hours of service are available mornings, afternoons and evenings, seven days a week.
  • Service will be provided by trained Personal Support Workers. Depending on scheduling limitations, clients should expect to be visited by different PSWs over the course of their service.
  • To be informed of changes to the schedule as far in advance as possible.
  • You will be expected to inform the program manager responsible for your area of any changes to your health, so that services can be adjusted to meet needs, as much as possible.
  • Your status and progress may be documented.
  • You may be discharged from service for the following reasons:
  • Client choice
  • Moving out of our service area
  • Moving to a long-term care home
  • If your healthcare needs become more than we can manage
  • If you or someone in their home exhibits aggressive or violent behaviour to our staff, either verbal or physical
  • If there are safety concerns in the home such as severe hoarding, infestations (bugs, mice, bedbugs, etc), aggressive or uncontrolled pets, smoking in the home or toxic fumes in the home.
  • Being away from services for more than 30 days. This does not include hospital stays.
  • You will be provided with the name and contact information for the program manager for your area.
  • You will be made aware of the agency’s complaint process and how to access it.

If you would like the pdf version of this program description click here.

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