Occupational Therapy

Things it might be helpful to know about this program:

  • Occupational Therapy is available to clients of Reconnect’s PG ACT team.
  • The Occupational Therapist will look at your physical health and evaluate what you might need in your home to live in it safely, and what activities you can do to improve your health. If you’re feeling low, they can suggest activities that will help you feel better.

Once in service you can expect the following:

  • The Occupational Therapist will find out what your needs are, what you could do and what you would like to do.
  • The Occupational Therapist is part of your care team at Reconnect and will make recommendations on how to live safely in your home and in the community, both physically and mentally.
  • Your status and progress will be documented.

If you would like the pdf version of this program description click here.

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