Project Management

Reconnect has been asked to lead a number of systems-level projects aimed at supporting the community health sector to improve access, quality and value of services to clients.

Mental Health and Addictions Provincial Data Set (MHA PDS)

The PDS is a minimum set of routinely collected, client-level, standardized data elements that support direct service delivery and enable consistent and comparable reporting of service utilization, client outcomes and client characteristics across the Ontario mental health and addictions sector. Under the leadership of Ontario Health, Reconnect worked with health service providers and vendors to build the capability to seamlessly pull and collect client data directly at the HSP-level.


West Community Connect

Reconnect initiated and led the development of West Community Connect, a single point of access to a range of community supports and health services with multiple providers in the west end of Toronto, including mental health services, drop-in and group programming, addictions services, personal support services, meals on wheels, seniors day programs and respite care. 


Toronto Community Business Intelligence (CBI)

CBI is an initiative providing community health service providers an aggregate reporting tool for the purposes of reporting at the individual, provider, sector and regional level. Reconnect led this project recruiting providers, supporting the technical build, and developing reports based on client-level data provided to the CBI repository.


Integrated Community Care (ICC)

Initiated and sponsored by Home & Community Care Support Services Toronto Central, the ICC project aimed to improve timely access to seamless, integrated care across community support and mental health and addictions providers. With broad community participation, ICC led to the development of standards, models for common assessments and referrals and protocols for capacity management and flow.

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