Reconnect Health Services is a not-for-profit health service organization in the west end of Toronto. Our services include supports for seniors, caregivers, and people living with mental health and addictions concerns.
Reconnect Health Services is a not-for-profit health care provider in Toronto. We work with people 16+ who are in need of mental health and addictions supports, including counselling for their loved ones and caregivers. We support older adults 55+ with a wide range of services from food delivery to home care, exercise classes, opportunities for social interaction and more.
Reconnect is embedded in the community with several locations across the GTA. We know that healthcare can be complicated. We will ensure that accessing our services is as simple, straightforward, and timely as possible. We are collaborative, client-centred, goal-driven, and we work hard to make sure our clients have the best possible experience with us.
Reconnect Health Services receives the majority of its funding from Ontario Health. The organization also relies on funding from the City of Toronto and the United Way of Greater Toronto. These funds help to maintain the programs and services that support clients to find meaningful change in their lives and on their own terms.
Reconnect uses reasonable physical, administrative and technical safeguards to protect your confidential information. These include:
You have the right to:
Reconnect uses your personal information for:
Reconnect may disclose your personal information to other service providers in order to ensure that services provided to you are coordinated and responsive to your needs. It is Reconnect’s practice to follow what is called an “assumed implied consent model,” meaning that unless a client tells us not to, we share their personal health information with their other health care providers without asking for consent each time we do so. We do this because it is a more efficient way to ensure clients get the care they need. All clients are informed of this model at the outset of service, and each client has the right to tell us not to share with anyone they so choose, and to change their mind about sharing at any point. Reconnect will share your personal information if required to do so by law (e.g. subpoena).
Click here to download Reconnect's privacy policy.
This website uses Caredove's software platform to host this website and to send referrals for service. Caredove is committed to protecting the personal information of its users and the personal health information of visitors, users and clients referred using its platform. To accomplish this, Caredove has put in place a Privacy and Security Program.
If you wish to report a privacy issue, have any questions or need assistance, please contact Reconnect's Privacy Officer at 416-248-2050.
Privacy Officer, Reconnect Health Services 1281 St. Clair Ave West
Toronto, ON M6E 1B8
If you have any issues or concerns about how your personal health information is being handled, you have the right to contact the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario at:
Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario
2 Bloor Street East, Suite 1400
Toronto, Ontario
M4W 1A8
Phone: (416) 326-3333 Or 1-(800) 387-0073
Health equity means that all people can reach their full health potential and should not be disadvantaged from attaining it because of their race, ethnicity, religion, gender, age, social class, socioeconomic status or other socially determined circumstance.
At Reconnect we are committed to ensuring that we are providing equitable care to our clients and community. As part of this work we have started asking our clients demographic questions about themselves about their language, race or ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, length of time in Canada, religion, gender and income. Collecting this information will allow us to understand who our clients are and if any groups are being disadvantaged in any way, so that we can address those inequities. Answering the questions in this survey is voluntary, and does not affect anyone’s ability to access Reconnect’s services. All survey responses are kept confidential
In fulfilling our mission, Reconnect Health Services strives at all times to provide its services in a way that respects the dignity and independence of people with disabilities. We are also committed to giving people with disabilities the same opportunity to access and benefit from our services in the same place and in a similar way as other individuals.
Accessibility on this Website
This website uses the UserWay Accessibility Widget which is powered by a dedicated accessibility server. The accessibility menu can be enabled by clicking on the Accessibility menu icon that appears on the corner of the page. After triggering the menu, please wait a moment for it to load in its entirety.
Despite our best efforts to make all pages and content fully accessible, some content may not have yet been fully adapted to the strictest accessibility standards. This may be a result of not having found or identified the most appropriate technological solution. If you are having difficulty with any content on this site or require assistance with any part of our site, please contact us during normal business hours and we will be happy to assist. Our contact information can be found at the bottom of this page.
To access a condensed version of Reconnects Multi-Year Accessibility Plan, please click here. If you require the Multi-Year Accessibility Plan in a different format or would like to access our comprehensive plan, please contact us at or 416-248-2050.
While we hope that you do not need to make a complaint about our services, if you do, we aim to make the process easy. There is no special form you need to complete to make a complaint, just get in touch with us and we will try to resolve it. We suggest that you tell us what your ideal solution is so that we can try and resolve the matter, if possible, in a way that works for you.
If you wish to make a complaint on behalf of someone else, we need their permission in writing beforehand to consent for us to pass on their personal and confidential information to you (we may need to refer to this type of information in order to complete a full response to you). When we receive your complaint, we will write to the service user concerned and ask for their written consent. If they do not reply to us within three weeks, we shall assume that they do not consent. If this happens, or the service user contacts us to refuse consent, we will not be able to respond to you fully, as this could breach our confidentiality obligations and the wishes of our service user. However, we will write to you and explain why we cannot respond in detail but where possible we can describe more generally about our procedures which may be enough to answer or reassure you.
If the person you have the complaint about is unable to resolve a complaint, you will be offered an opportunity to speak with a supervisor. The role of the supervisor is to resolve the matter to the satisfaction of everyone involved. If a resolution is not reached at this stage the supervisor will inform you of your right to seek resolution through the Director of Services. If you are not satisfied with the decision made by the Director, you can move the complaint up to the Chief Executive Officer. A letter summarizing the outcome of the meeting will be sent to you within 15 business days of the meeting.
The Board of Directors is comprised of consumers, family members, professionals and interested community members. The Board meets monthly and members are elected at our Annual General Meeting.
The Board provides leadership and support to the Chief Executive Officer, approves policies that are compatible with the mandate of the agency, monitors the financial health of the organization and provides on-going evaluation of the CEO to ensure that the goals of the organization are successfully achieved. The Board of Directors also helps to increase the awareness of Reconnect within the community.
Brian Shiller, President
Leo Bisharat, Vice-President & Treasurer
Jennifer Zosky
Julia Brown, Secretary
Patrick Tannahill
Sonia Nijjar
Trisha Ball
Douglas Crawford
Peter Mueller
Harold Keller
Janet Pause
Donate to Reconnect
We depend on the generosity of donors to make needed purchases and sustain programs and activities not financed by our major funders.
Charitable Organization No. 107352528RR0001
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