Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) & Multidisciplinary Teams

Things it might be helpful to know about this program:

  • The ACT and Multidisciplinary teams include a mix of the following care providers: psychiatrist, nurse, case manager, and depending on the team can also include an occupational therapist, social worker, and addictions worker.

To be eligible for service, an individual:

  • Must be at least 18 years of age
  • Be experiencing severe, persistent mental illness with complex presenting symptoms and issues
  • Have severe functional impairments, may have gone without effective services, and may have had several hospitalizations.
  • Is able to be safely supported in the community
  • Eligibility for service will not be denied on the basis of language or disability.

Once in service you can expect the following:

  • The Team will be available days and evenings, 7 days/week, 365 days/year.
  • Visits will be conducted in the home and/or the community.
  • Medication support/management is a part of the service.
  • Your status and progress will be documented.
  • You will work together with the Team to determine how your significant others are involved in your care.
  • You will be made aware of the agency’s complaint process and how to access it.
  • You will be made aware of the agency’s appeal process and how to access it.
  • You will be made aware of your right to privacy, how your personal health information is being kept secure, and how and under what circumstances Reconnect will collect, use or disclose your personal health information.

You can be discharged from service for the following reasons:

  • Your preference
  • You have achieved all your goals
  • You no longer need a multidisciplinary team
  • You have been connected with other similar services
  • Being away from service due to incarceration or hospitalization for more than 6 months
  • Frequent no-shows, cancellations, or not working with team members towards your
  • goals

Once discharged, if you are experiencing a crisis or otherwise need support, you can contact Reconnect to be re-admitted to service within a year of discharge. If you move out of Reconnect’s service area and need access to service, you will be given priority admission with the provider in your new area.

If you would like the pdf version of this program description click here.

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